January 25, 1996 7:45 p.m.
Apple, Sun said to be wide apart on deal
By Ted Smalley Bowen and Charles Cooper
Will it go down as the merger that never was?
Sun Microsystems Inc. and Apple Computer Inc. remain deadlocked over pric
e, according to sources familiar with the talks, who say
the two sides are at loggerheads.
"They are so far apart, it's not funny," said one source. "I don't think
it'll happen."
In what sources inside the investment community see as an extremely fluid
situation, Apple has rejected a low-ball $23-per-share
offer -- which would be just above the company's book value -- from Sun.
Earlier in the week, the Wall Street Journal reported that
Sun had offered $33 per share for Apple, in a stock swap valued at approx
imately $4 billion.
"Ask the Wall Street Journal," said Sun CEO Scott McNealy. "They seem to think they know what is going on. Sorry. I have
nothing to offer. Could you run a front-page article, too? We enjoy the p
Meanwhile, Apple is going ahead with its reorganization plans, today anno
uncing the appointment of Heidi Roizen as vice president
of the company's developer relations. Roizen today resigned as CEO of T/M
aker, the Mountain View, Calif., software company she
founded 13 years ago.
Should it go through, Sun's proposed bid for Apple, which has dragged on
for the last week, would make for a sensible
combination, according to many analysts. They say Apple's strengths in co
nsumer, education, pre-press, and graphics and design
markets nicely complement Sun's high-end offerings in business and techni
cal workstations and servers.
At the same time, they say that Sun's well-publicized Internet product st
rategy would mesh well with Apple's position in the Internet
server market.
"Clearly, Apple needs to do something -- whether through partnerships, al
liances, or a sale -- [but] Sun has a lot more to gain from
the acquisition than the other way around," said Todd Bakar, an analyst w
ith Hambrecht & Quist, in San Francisco. "Sun is
well-positioned in terms of the Internet. The Apple Piper and Newton tech
nologies could help Sun establish a presence at the client
level. Apple also has a large installed base and strong [user interface]
Despite a torrent of leaks that the two companies were negotiating, Apple
officials earlier this week said the company was not for
sale. Apple's apparent foot-dragging was interpreted as standard operatin
g procedure for a company in the late stages of such a deal,
according to Pieter Hartsook, editor of the Hartsook Letter, in Alameda,
"The Apple board of directors has a fiduciary duty to its shareholders to
maximize returns," Hartsook said. "[But] I'm not sure if
selling the company for $33 a share to a company half the size is a good
Apple has already rejected several bids from Sun, starting at as high as
$38 per share, according to sources. Analysts, however, say
Apple's disappointing performance during its recently reported second fis
cal quarter had sapped the company's bargaining strength.
"Apple helped Sun along [in its bargaining position] with the poor result
s, particularly in the U.S. [market]," said Daniel Kunstler,
an equity analyst with Morgan Stanley Securities. "You could say Sun is playing hardball lowering the price. But you can argue that
Apple's value has been going down."
However, Sun is not expected to boost the offer or engage in a bidding wa
r, should other suitors join the fray. Although none have
stepped forward, Kunstler said, possible interlopers include IBM, Motorol
a Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., and Oracle Corp., all of
which have shown interest in the past.
"I expect Sun will be very disciplined. If some other suitor comes in wit
h an offer, Sun probably won't engage in a bidding war," he
Even at the relatively low bid of $33 per share, some observers question Sun's apparent decision to pursue Apple.
"The low 30s is already too high," said David Wu, an analyst with the Chi
cago Corp., in New York. "You got a house in a
deteriorating neighborhood. They're crazy to do this. If I were a competi
tor to Sun, I would be popping champagne."
"You should send a bottle of Maalox and a bottle of aspirin. He may be a
hockey player, but he ain't no miracle worker," Wu said.
It is unclear whether Apple CEO Michael Spindler would survive a buyout,
although his status is not expected to be a condition of the
"McNealy is pretty good at delegating, but he wants control. He probably
wouldn't share power with Spindler. Whoever controls the
company is going to have to bring in somebody from the outside," said Har
tsook. "Spindler has the loyalty of the board, but friends
are friends only to a point. That loyalty wouldn't stand in the way of a
Speculation over which products and technologies would be retained after
the deal suggests that Sun would place a stronger emphasis
on Apple's software, though not to the complete exclusion of the company'
s hardware.
"Any selloff of Apple hardware would come in different shades of gray. I
would expect Sun would pursue a more aggressive
licensing program of the Mac OS, which would cede part of the hardware bu
siness to clones," Kunstler said. "And who knows what
would happen to Apple's manufacturing capabilities? In terms of account c
ontrol, it's a question of what they relinquish."
Despite the possibility of the Sun deal reaching fruition, not all observ
ers accept it as a foregone conclusion.
"I think if they're going to sell, Sun is the best fit, but the industry
has a way of getting ahead of itself in [anticipating] these things,"
said Andrew Seybold, editor and publisher of the Outlook on Communication
s and Computing newsletter, in Brookdale, Calif.
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