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Old Hacker Pictures archive
This is a collection of images of various people in the so called "hacker" community.
Most of these pictures are quite old so if you have any more recent ones that you would like to add please let me know.
- [476x437x256] Emmanuel Goldstein, editor of 2600 magazine
- [800x552x256] Albatross and The Public
- [776x600x256] Agent Steal, Demogorgon, Predat0r, Emmanuel Goldstein
- [432x368x256] Crimson Death
- [702x399x256] Numerous people at Summercon 93
- [568x428x256] Control C
- [384x458x256] Erik Nilsson of CPSR
- [335x498x256] Doc Cypher and Crimson Death
- [510x447x256] Doc Cypher and Doc Holiday
- [487x390x256] Doc Cypher and Doc Holiday
- [800x552x256] Drunkfux
- [509x396x256] Docs Holiday and Cypher at Summercon 92
- [800x552x256] Doc Holiday et al at Summercon 92
- [800x552x256] Emmanuel Goldstein and Knight Lightning
- Emannuel Goldstein
- Emmanuel Goldstein on TV
- [617x448x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Erik Bloodaxe, Emmanuel Goldstein, Gentry
- [667x458x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Voyager, Legacy Irreverant, TommydCat, Lucifer 666, Control C
- [454x723x256] Holistic Hacker meets Monica Weaver
- [800x600x256] Kevin Mitnick
- [800x552x256] Knight Lightning: On a mission from LOD.
- [526x328x256] The Legion of Doodz
- Equipment in the cell site where Kevin Mitnick was traced
- Equipment in the cell site where Kevin Mitnick was traced
- Equipment in the cell site where Kevin Mitnick was traced
- Equipment in the cell site where Kevin Mitnick was traced
- Equipment in the cell site where Kevin Mitnick was traced
- [150x115x256] Phiber Optik gives a radio interview
- [503x481x256] Minor Threat presents Tone Loc
- [776x264x256] Katie Hafner, Craig Neidorf, Sheldon Zenner, Gordon Meyer at National Computer Security Conference 1990
- [780x462x256] PartyCon '92: The Not, Taran King, Slave Driver, KNight Lightning, Dispater, Aristotle
- [390x606x256] Pirates hoist the Jolly Roger on an AT&T flagpole!
- [696x402x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Invisible TV, Count Zero, White Knight, Kingpin
- [805x366x256] Frank Drake and Emmanuel Goldstein at National Computer Security Conference 1990
- [897x768x256] "Sink Clipper"
- [666x430x256] Steve Jackson and Emmanuel Goldstein at CPSR Conference 1991
- [412x340x16] Grafitti: "Fuck Clipper, Stop the NSA"
- [685x477x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Capt. Picard, TommyCat, Control C
- [743x427x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Albatross, Vellmont, Mystic Mo0s
- [628x454x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: Weevil et al
- [816x600x128] Hackers/Con Attendees: Weevil and E. Goldstein
- [429x458x256] Hackers/Con Attendees: White Knight
- [954x701x256] Aqua Box Plans in .GIF format
- [711x791x256] Anarchy Man!
- [529x476x4] "Big Brother Inside" logo
- [436x392x4] "Big Brother Not Inside" logo
- The 2600 "Phone" van